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18 January 2016

        Hope everyone is having a great Martin Luther King Day!  My daughter and I had a great day off cleaning the house, doing laundry and working on my tpt store of course!  One big project I wanted to tackle was a letter to my classroom parents!  In the classroom we have started using classroom google and Instagram A LOT!  The kids absolutely love it.  My students started asking if they could access our account at home.  Totally astonished I am now putting together a note on how to access both accounts from home. This is going to be a great way to keep in touch with parents, keep parents in the loop, and promote parent and child interactions!  I also had some parents contacting me about apps we use in the classroom....again AMAZING! Therefore, I threw those in my note as well! Take a look!

 If you need help accessing these sites this well help you as well.  I will be posting a lot on what we are doing with these sites!

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