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15 April 2016

Five for Friday

I  am excited to be doing my first link party Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching

This week we had several presentations in third grade!  Our first presentation was about the Native Americans (She was supposed to come during Thanksgiving but unfortunately was sick. She talked to us about customs and way of life.  The kids absolutely loved it!

Our second presenter was The Tie Dyed Iguana!  The kids loved this presentations as well!  It went right with our science unit about the 6 classifications of animals!  Each child was able to hold the snake too!!

In math we wrapped up our unit about graphing with a full class height graph!  The kiddos loved gathering data!  Then we put the data into the graphs we have been learning about!They worked so well together finding how tall they were in inches!

We have been watching our eggs carefully!  We are on day 9 now! They are in the incubators and will not hatch until day 21.  Everyday we check on the eggs through the incubator, watch the video below to see what is going on inside the egg on that day, and then we record our results!

This video is an AMAZINGGGG about the life cycle of an hatching chick!  

Lastly we have been trying to keep up with our Little one!  She is 16 months and on the move!!

Visit Doodle Bugs Teaching to see more Five for Friday!