How do you get parents involved in your classroom? I have a GREAT way to get your kiddos begging their parents to get involved!! It is called the "Password Portal."
Most of us have a classroom website or some form of online tool we use to communicate with parents and students. This may be a Facebook page, twitter, Instagram, website, ect. We spend HOURS of time uploading our materials, providing resources, and begging parents and students to use! I now have a way to not only get your parents and students visiting your site, but also providing conversation and engagement with your classroom content!
Okay I am ready to tell you! This year I am going to be adding a new addition to my Website! It is called....
It is called the Password Portal!!... On my website I will have a page dedicated to a password of the day! This page will include a word, math problem, joke or whatever I come up with! I have a short blurb on the page to encourage families to talk about the password of the day. When students come to school the next day they will fill out a Password Portal sheet....If they know the password of course....They write a few sentences of their conversation with their family as well! Then they will put their sheet in the giveaway bin! At the end of the week I will pull three "Password Portals" or tickets for a giveaway!!
This is a GREAT way to get parent, child conversation, as well as getting parents and students to use your website!
The best part is it is ALLLL Free!! You can get these great sheets here!!
This is what is in the Freebie...
Three versions of the labels!
and the Password Portal!
This is such a great way to get parents and students excited to come to school and to create conversations at home!!! Don't forget to get the Freebiee Here!
Love finding new ways to involve parents - thanks for sharing! We also loved the meet up tonight at #tptorlando16 and meeting so many wonderful and dedicated teacher-authors! We're not new to TpT, but we've just started our blog if you have a minute to check it out and leave us a comment!