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29 July 2016

How do you differentiate reading passages?-Lexile

Differentiating can be extremely difficult when you have a class full of a wide variety of strengths and weaknesses.  On the first few weeks of school we spend hours of time getting to know each child and trying to place each child in a small reading group.  We spend so much time forming these groups so each of our students are able to succeed.  Now that we have each student in a group or we have developed this time to differentiate - what do we do now!?  Am I right!?  

We know one book or one passage may be perfect for one group however is the same passage going to be appropriate for our last group?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!!  But who has the time or the money to go searching for the perfect set of materials for each group??

 So as teachers, how are we going to make sure we are putting appropriate reading material in the hands of our students?  

I have your answer!!! LEXILED PASSAGES!!  Lexile is a measuring tool to help teachers and students choose good fit reading material.  To learn more about lexile visit our blog post about lexile specifically.  This post has a TON of great FREEEEE recourses to pull from as well! 

So where do we get these glorious lexiled passages????  

We have started monthly themed Lexiled readers which included text dependent questions for close reading as well! 

Another VERY important addition to these packages are compare and contrasting two text writing prompts!  Included are three writing prompts that force students to go back into two different texts to compare and contrast different topics!  

Comparing and Contrasting texts is a major standard starting in third and fourth grade.  With these lexiled readers you can not only give your students the capability to close read appropriate text but to also develop skills to compare and contrast between two text!

Check out our September and October lexiled bundles!!

Let us know how you differentiate your reading material!

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