How do you teach narrative writing?? Sometimes teaching children how to write a narrative piece can be very difficult! Every student is writing about their own experience and it can be hard to monitor and push every student in the class. Here are five steps I take to successful teach and push my students to producing a great narrative piece!
I begin my narrative writing unit by reading Fire Flies by Julie Brinckloe
You could also read any of these narrative writing pieces.
Talk about the words such as I, we, am. The words the author uses are in first person. Talk about how good narrative pieces have dialogue between multiple characters. Narrative writing should be in first person.
Talk to your students about an appropriate topic to pick. Your students should pick a topic that is very important to them that they remember well. Brainstorm with the class of examples of topics to choose from. ( I write them all on the board) This will help students think of past experiences. Then have students pick a topic and begin prewriting. I like to give students a graphic organizer to help guide their thinking.
The next step is to let your students begin writing. Meet with your students individually and read their writing. Talk about the things they do well writing and then talk about a goal the student can work on. The following goal posters are AMAZING that student can relate to and take account for.
My students REALLY like using these goals because they can see exactly what their goal is and they are eager to improve upon their goal! You can find these posters here!
After all of your kiddos have their topics and their goals they are ready to continue on with the writing process. The following posters are also GREAT to use to help students understand the writing process. The best part is its FREE!!! Head over and grab it!
Let us know how you teach narrative writing!
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